How To Do an Eco-friendly Home Renovation

There are hundreds of articles out there that talk about DIY renovation and home improvement. However, did you know that you can have an eco-friendly home renovation with just a few bucks? Here are practical eco-conscious DIY tips.

Do one thing at a time

 It may not be possible to do a whole home overhaul when it comes to an eco-friendly renovation. Start small on your first project. Instead of a long list of item, start with one task at a time. A good area to start is the changing of your light bulbs from CFL to LED solutions. You may then go on to swap your old shower faucets that may not have been efficient to the modern water-saving options. You can then proceeding to collect rainwater for use at home or watering your plants. 

Repurpose the old and integrate with the new

Once you get rid of the old items from home, do not just throw them away. Make use of the items to create something new. For example, if you have a solid wood floor and decide to replace the floors, the wood could be used to create outdoor furniture, storage boxes, and carvings for home décor. By not throwing away the items, you are reducing your carbon print and contributing to a greener environment. 

Be more conscious about your product choices

 One of the most important aspects of sustainable living is understanding what your purchase decisions transition to when it comes to the green environment. Think of the sustainability of the products that you use for the home renovation. For example; when renovating your floor, think of wood that can be cultivated over and over again quickly such as bamboo rather than a hardwood tree that takes long before it matures. You may also buy recycled products for your renovation to support the green cause.

Donate what you do not need

Do not throw away items that can be reused just because you do not need them. Doing so is actually contributing to the filling of the landfills. You can donate the cabinets, sinks, old appliances and left over building materials to green organizations around you. You spare another pile of trash and help someone on the way.

Avoid the VOCs

 The VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) are mostly used for the finishing work but permeate dangerous chemicals into the air. Thus, they are bad for your health and the environment. Avoid these chemicals in your finishing and go for eco-friendly finishing solutions. 

Employ this tips and you are on your way to a greener home.

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