5 Things Brett Kavanaugh Could Have Used At Home After the Hearings

Do you know the tremendous toll that stress and anxiety can cause on the body? The hormone cortisol is a debilitating hormone that can ravage the body if it is not regulated. Often times we can see levels peak in stressful situations. Just recently we all watched Brett Kavanaugh defend himself against many accusations that had to be investigated in order to be proven true. In his testimony you could see the stress, anguish and anxiety that was all over him. Needless to say, he was not what you would call 'cool as a cucumber.' Stress can lead to depression if it is not controlled.

We are approaching the holiday season where many people deal with (SAD) Seasonal Affective Disorder. This is sometimes referred to as "winter depression." Many people don't know that as the seasons change just like the leaves on a tree, the biological clock in our very own bodies will shift due to the changes we see in daylight. This will affect hormones, serotonin and other chemicals in the brain that can get you out of whack and into a depression in a minute.

If you are experienced with nature's essentials oils, you know the many benefits they have with helping to relieve stress, increase mood and alleviating depression symptoms. Let's take a look at a few oils that will keep you balanced on a daily basis and out of depression during the winter months.

First here are a few ways to use the oils.
  • place in an aroma lamp
  • put in shower floor or bathtub and watch the steam hold the scent throughout
  • try putting it on a tissue or cotton ball and take a quick inhale
  • use it in a perfume container

Five oils for Stress and Anxiety

  • Rose- For many years with people who dealt with nerve issues or problems definitely relied on rose essential oils to help boost their moods.  It is rich in citronellol that helps to relax the muscles in the body. It also helps to increase the memory and libido.
  • Bergamot-This oil stimulates the hypothalamus and causes you to be less anxious and stressed. These areas of the brain are part of the autonomic nervous system and the pituitary gland.
  • Lavender-Lavender as many people know is multifunctional and works in many areas. It is one of the most popular essential oils. It helps with tension, anxiety, stress and depression. Inhaling lavender releases neurochemicals in the brain that help regulate hormones and brain activity. Lavender also helps to release serotonin that is calming. 
  • Yiang-Yiang-Relaxes the nerves. It helps control blood pressure which if not regulated can cause anxiety. This essential oil helps in regulating breathing and decreases adrenaline. It therefore becomes a strong oil to combat panic attacks, anger and fear.
  • Geranium-This oil contains geraniol and citronellol like rose oil.  It helps to improve the mood and your health in general. Geranium can be applied topically to the skin and absorbed where it will travel to the limbic system which is the emotional center of the brain.
We all know that stress and fear is not good for you. The best remedy for stress and depression is to meditate, stay away from stressful situations, use these essential oils and see your primary care physician.  

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