3 Tips That Will Make You And The Earth A Beautiful Combination

The earth is a beautiful place and there is so much beauty to see as well as the partaking of  its resources.  If people continued to live carefree and completely disregard this beauty, the environment will continue to fill with trash and the earth's entire ecosystem will be threatened.  We will continue to damage the ozone layer and worsen the global warming phenomenon that we are currently facing.  The key to maintaining your planet green is reducing, reusing and recycling. It's simple.


The first step to ensuring minimal waste is the reduction of the products that contribute to the waste. Unfortunately, most of the recycling lobby groups overlook this important step. If we use less of the plastics, there will be less waste to deal with. Here are important ‘reduce’ strategies that you can adopt

•   Go zero waste: Make it your ultimate goal to cut down on waste completely. Do not waste water, energy or accumulate the waste of non-biodegradable items.

•   Only keep whatever you use

•   Determine the impact of your purchase decisions to the environment

•   Buy used produced at local thrift stores, eBay, Craigslist and elsewhere

•   Buy lunch that you can finish. Avoid large helpings only to throw them into the bin

•   Go paperless in getting your statements, newsletters and newspapers


The marketers are keen to have us buy the new items due to the added benefits. However, did you know that you could survive on many fronts with the existing items if you reused them a few times?

•    Hold and shop garage sales to get good old stuff

•    Replace disposables (such as batteries, cartridges, and coffee filters) with reusable items

•    Donate your used products such as household items, electronics, food, art materials and more

•    Share facilities with your neighbors (carpooling also saves on gas emissions)

•    Fix items that can be repaired instead of throwing them away

•    Most plastic items can be reused as storage and package materials

•    Repurpose several items after the end of their useful life (furniture, metallic items and so forth)


Give your used items a new life by having them recycled and used again. Here is how to go about it

• Buy recycled: Support the recycling movement by buying into it. An example would be a new environmentally friendly bathroom tissue or toilet paper. WHOLEROLL will be brought to market in 2017.

• Use the grass clippings in your lawn as compost manure rather than applying fertilizers

• Avoid throwing away the cans and plastic bags out there when on a trip. Pack them and bring them back home if you do not come across a recycle bin

• When sending off your loved ones, consider eco-friendly burials that use recycled material for coffins

•   Use recycled or recyclable materials when packing your lunch. Lunch packaging materials are big contributors to waste.

What can you do to make the earth a better place to live in and to preserve its beauty? Be consistent with these tips and know that every effort counts. You made not see global results, but if everyone participates a difference will definitely be made. When you recycle, you are investing in you and your communtiy and that should make you feel good. Let's Keep America Beautiful.  Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.  It matters.

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